Ok fess up, who made a New Year’s Resolution this year? And hands up who may have already broken it? Ha. No judgement here folks. Don’t get us wrong we’re all for making changes for the better, but we think a new and improved you should be top of mind every day of the year, not just January 1. It doesn’t matter what month it is, there is no time like the present to set goals, take risks and get shit done. Here are some of our tips on how you can own 2019!
1. Change the Game
Reflect on the past year, take the good with the bad, improve, and just be yourself! It may sound very cliché and basic but that’s how you step up and that’s how you change the game. Do what makes you happy and don’t let the fear of being judged stop you from being yourself. The only way you can ever truly be successful and happy is if you are living your own life according to what you want and what you think is best for you. It’s just all about having the right mindset and training your mind to see the good in everything. If you need a little motivation… we got you.
2. Make a Plan, Stan!
If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it. Lay out a plan that you think works best for you, then add a little more and be ambitious! It’s always good to note down your short-term and long-term goals and check them off the list as your reach every milestone. Your open attitude and your diligence to follow a plan will make this year, your year! You just have to go out there and make it happen and let no one stop you in doing so. Need somewhere to jot down all those plans?
3. Switch Off
Here’s the question, is it feasible to achieve work-life balance nowadays? Definitely! Regardless of your situation, whether you’re working at home, for someone else, running your own business, or raising an army of hungry, loud children… it’s always important to implement balance in your life. Sure, life is complicated and sometimes that are tasks that need to be prioritised ahead of yourself some days, but even a few minutes of time out each day can help.
Consider leaving work emails off your phone, don’t take business phone calls and other work notifications outside office hours. Or the ultimate challenge, try putting your phone in another room while you sleep. Revert to the good old alarm clock and see if having a technology free bedroom helps you switch off.
4. Get Outside
Adulting is hard and we’re all bound to struggle with it in some way. Even if it had an instruction manual it would still be hard! Sometimes days can be overwhelming and often the best way to deal with it is to just go outside. Perhaps you have time to go for a walk, if not, just a few deep breaths in the fresh air to help you think. Better still, try to fit in some exercise to get your body moving and adrenalin flowing. If you make this a daily habit either before, during or after work you will feel much better for it and more able to cope with the day ahead.
5. Own Your Zone
The best way to be inspired is surround yourself with things that inspire you. Whether that be objects, artwork, music, scents or even people. Whether it’s your desk at work, your studio or your bedroom, create an environment that works for you and makes you smile every day.
Just remember don’t beat yourself up if you’ve broken your resolution or haven’t achieved something on your to-do-list yet. Perfection is not a thing, everyone has good moments and bad. What matters is how you learn from your experiences and move forward. Now get out there and show 2019 who’s boss!!!