What a whirlwind of a week it’s been! It seems a little crazy that it was only this time last week that we threw open the doors of our first ever Hunting for George Experience Store! Honestly, we’re still pinching ourselves. And what better way to celebrate the opening of our new store than throwing a launch party? And celebrate we did.
A massive thank you to our legendary sponsors Balter Brewing Company, Capi Sparkling, Innocent Bystander and T2 who generously supplied us with a whole ‘lotta awesome beverages to help quench your thirst. To Plumm and Place Settings for the incredibly good looking wine glasses on the night. To the team at Farmgate Cheese who helped us set up one of the most epic cheese tables on the night – wowzers. Safe to say the cheese was a BIG hit! And of course Yamaha Australia for creating an epic sound system for us to play sweet tunes all night long (all night!).
Thanks to everyone who made it down on the night, we had a merry ol’ time! Check out the party pics below to see what went down.

Photography by Jessica Drew.