Sitting along Victoria’s Gippsland ridgelines is the Fish Creek House, a three-pavilion habitation with highly-textured walls and robust structure. Edition Office thought of the design so cleverly cooked up that it both stands up to the harsh weather and complements its…
Auchenflower House | Vokes and Peters
Sitting on a street corner with a sloped site is this timber house of beguiling modesty. Vokes and Peters has reaped recognition on the Auchenflower House when this architectural entry has amassed 2 awards during the Houses Awards 2017, one…
Australian Houses Awards 2017 Winners Named
Houses, Australia’s leading residential architecture magazine once again celebrates grand home designs across the country. The focus of the awards is mainly on small-scale architecture that rightfully deserves the spotlight. The Houses Awards 2017 spans across 10 categories that carefully scrutinise…