Created by Nat Spada, The Palm Co is a boutique creative studio based in Sydney, Australia. Capturing the beauty of places and spaces through styling, photography and branding. Working in the design industry for years (both graphics and interiors) Nat combined her expertise in styling, photography and branding with her passion for design and lifestyle. Working closely with her clients – big and small – to capture their story in a way that resonates with and inspires their audience. Where she does this best is in the design, architecture and holiday property industries. We had a chat with Nat and here’s what she had to say…
George Takes Twelve
1. Pleasantries first… Tell us about who you are and what you do?
I am an interior stylist, graphic design and interior photographer (as some say a jack of all trades! But it’s because I believe we are always evolving) As a graphic designer, sourcing photography was always such a big part of the process so I decided to do a photography course to compliment my graphics work but my love for photography didn’t really take off until I started to style interiors and an opportunity came up to capture them. Looking through the Lens from the perspective of a stylist and a photographer is where I feel most comfortable!
2. When I was growing up I wanted to be….
I really don’t know, I remember leaving high school trying to decide if I study design or sport science, I’m glad I went with a Bachelor of Design, it opened up so many options I didn’t realise were possible as a kid!
3. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Just give it a go! When I was deciding whether this could be a business I had 2 great people who really told me what I got to lose and to just give it a go – I couldn’t be more grateful for the push!
4. What’s been your favourite moment so far in your career?
It’s hard to pick just one! I’ve worked on some amazing projects with great people. I do think seeing your work in print is something really beautiful – I always flicked through interiors magazines looking at all the beautiful projects and photos, so the day I first got asked for my images to go to print in a big publication gave me such a huge sense of achievement. It still gives me all the feels when I see my photos in print now – there is something about seeing your images in print – I’m so happy for my clients – it makes me feel like I’ve done their projects justice.
5. What do you feel is the most challenging part about being a photographer today?
I think with so much visual content out there, the lack of knowledge for properly crediting photographers, it’s always such a grey area. I think it’s really important to credit all creatives for their work.
6. What words of wisdom do you have for a go getter look at breaking into the world of photography?
If you love it go for it! Find your niche and just keep evolving, don’t worry too much about what everyone else is doing, create your own style and clients will come to you for that. You learn so much on the job, so get out there and just start capturing.
7. What’s the most treasured belonging/item in your own home?
It’s not really an item, but he is definitely my most treasured belonging – my dog Apollo, he has the most beautiful nature.
8. What’s one thing other people may not know about you?
I work from a lot of cafe’s! (lucky I love coffee and food)
9. Can you pinpoint the moment photography turned into a profession for you?
I was working as a Stylist for a company and we needed to capture our projects so I put my hand up for the role, I’d always wanted to explore my photography further and then it really took off from there, I could have photographed for days! I was then always able to combine styling and photography to get the most out of the shot.
10. When’s the last time you were on the opposite side of the camera lens?
It’s not often! I think I needed a headshot for my website so I got my beautiful assistant to take one but I definitely feel a lot more at home behind the camera.
11. You’ve got 24hrs to shoot any person or subject in the universe. Who or what is at the top of your list?
This answer would change every day if you asked me, but today’s answer is send me to Zakynthos or Casa Cook Rhodes with my family – if I can combine photography and travel I’m there 🙂
12. What’s next for you? Any exciting new projects in the pipeline…
Every day my schedule has something different, new and exciting to tackle – one day its branding, the next it’s photography, and then often I’ll be outsourcing styling pieces.
I have some beautiful projects I will be capturing over the next few months from some of my interior design friends in the industry, it’s one of my favourite things about my job – the people I get to work with. I also get to see and stay at a lot of holiday properties before they launch which is always so much fun and I have a few of those coming up as well!
Meet the Photographer Radio
“The Mix Bag – Old Soul and Summer Vibes” Playlist
“It is a real mix bag of old and new songs, my dad is big into music so growing up we listened to all the greats. I like acoustic music or soft jazz, it makes the room feel calm. Music completely sets the mood for the day so you have to choose the right playlist.” – Nat Spada
Where to find her
Name: Natalie Spadavecchia
Business Name: The Palm Co
Job Title: Director (Photographer and Interior Stylist)