Schade Summer

I know a pirate. He started Schade. One day the pirate smiled at me and asked if I would design a radical look book for him. I said ‘that sounds like fun’. Enter Schade Summer 11/12: Part One… a world where…

Friday Easybeats

They only had one hit. At least they made it a goodie.

It’s our birthday!

It’s our birthday and we’re pretty excited. We’re giving away 3 MAHUSSIVE Hunting for George Prize Packs and today is your last chance to enter. Visit our facebook page and tag yourself in the prize pack of your choice. The…

We’ve come a long way baby

  Hunting for George turns one tomorrow. So I thought I’d take a look to see what we were up to when we were zero. Turns out we were drinking beer and cruising the streets of Windsor… Not much has changed.…

Spotted: Gold Coast Bulletin

Hunting for George’s brand new Coke Can Necklace from Abilu Creations was featured in the Gold Coast Bulletinlast weekend. Schweet.

Friday Beastie

Happy weekend!

Perfect Strangers

Correct me if I’m wrong but I swear Mark Linn-Baker looks like Shia LaBeouf’s slightly older, slightly less attractive cousin.


Hunting for George’s Chunky Cherry Chain from Helena Rohner featured at Where The Lovely Things Are. Look down, down, now left… there’s cute little Alex first up in the third row. Aaw.

Leon Russell

Bring back the top hat. Leon, we salute you.

Friday Kimbra

My first ever girl crush was Taylor from Hanson. Turns out he was a guy. Anyway, Kimbra is now at the top of my list of kick ass chicks and I’m 99.9% sure she’s all woman.