Booty Swing – Parov Stelar

Time to get your black and white on guys. Slide, tap and shake your way to the weekend.

Hunting for George Gift & Wedding Registry

We’re getting married!!! … well kind of. Today sees Hunting For George launch our first ever GIFT REGISTRY! Yup that’s right. All those Hunting for George goodies could now be yours with a few clicks of a button and a…

Armadillo & Co – Earth Collection

The talented team from Armadillo & Co brought us the natural collection last year,  We are now thrilled to share the Earth Collection with you, including   the  gorgeous Geranium rug and the incredible Zinnia Rug. We also are stocking a range of…

Sainthood by Eirian Chapman at Lamington Drive

Illustrator Eirian Chapman has presented her first solo exhibition “Sainthood” at Lamington Drive gallery in Collingwood. The exhibition includes large-scale print tapestries of female saints and focuses on the four elements of land, sea, sky and space, as well as…

Boogie Shoes – KC & The Sunshine Band

Don’t even try to fight this one. Just go with it.

The Cushion-Update Guide

Want a fun and super simple way to freshen up your interior look? Look no further than your cushions.  Replacing your cushions is like wearing a new shade of lipstick. And just like choosing the right shade of lipstick for…

Meet The Maker – Caroline Z Hurley

Name: Caroline Hurley Brand: Caroline Z Hurley Job Title: Creator Location: Brooklyn What did you want to be when you were a little ‘un? I’m pretty sure I just wanted to be weird! What made you decide to start your…

Style Notes – 5 Simple Tips To Style Your Personal Space

Ever walk through the door after a long day looking to relax only to feel as though your house is giving you the silent treatment?  Or worse, you wake up in the morning and it stamps it’s feet, yelling ‘I…

Supersonic Casualties – The Delta Riggs

A little bit of psychedelic Melbourne beats and a strong contender for my favourite video clip of the year.

Kip and Co SS14 One Fine Day

Kip and Co have launched their SS14 collection! The Croc Summer Quilt Cover & Croc Summer Flat Sheet are BACK! Better be quick before your favourites are snapped up. Alongside the bright and bold trademark Kip and Co colours is another fitting…