Men’s Society | Meet the Maker

The perfect pressies for the bloke in your life, Men’s Society are here to bring you quality gifts and accessories with open arms and a manly, brotherly, slap on the back. Established in 2012, Men’s Society have concentrated on bringing a new level of detail, quality and…

How to NOT Kill your Indoor Plants

Struggling with a high plant mortality rate? Trying to come to grips with the fact that you may have the heavy hands of a serial plant killer? Don’t worry there’s still time to turn your hands into the Midas Touch.…

Private Idaho – B’52s

The B’52s are just awesome. So much fun but so, so much hiding below the surface of this Pop juggernaut. You’re probably familiar with ‘Love Shack’ or even ‘Rock Lobster’ but take the time to dig a little deeper and…

Annandale House | Welsh + Major

A skinny inner-Sydney house occupying a long and narrow site has been magically restored by Welsh + Major into a comfortable modern home for a family of four. The family residence was called Annandale House, named after its suburban location. The…

DMAs – Dawning

I went out last night to a new North Melbourne venue called ‘Meat Markets’ to catch Sydney’s brilliant DMAs launch their new single ‘Dawning’ to a sold out Melbourne crowd. With a set packed with hits from their debut album,…

Our Top Tips For A Good Night’s Sleep

We are passionate ambassadors for a good night’s sleep! This is a busy time of year so it’s important to get a solid night’s rest every night. There are a couple of ways you can encourage happy napping. From setting…

Allen Key House | Architect Prineas

Reflecting Sydney’s leafy North Shore neighborhood, the Allen Key House is an open plan house project taken on by Architect Prineas. The 1930’s Californian Bungalow required a renovation at the rear to create living spaces and a generous kitchen with…

Freedom – George Michael

One of the greatest artists of all time with one of the greatest songs of all time accompanied by one of the greatest videos of all time. What a combo. This song also serves as a reminder that a lot of…

Beck Rocchi | Meet the Photographer

More than your standard snapper, Beck Rocchi has some mad camera skills up her sleeve. Her trademark effervescent energy and her love for photography allow her to capture incredible moments and tell some pretty rad stories in the process. Her…

Christmas Comes Early! 100 Gifts for 100 Lucky Shoppers

After many years and many events at Hunting for George we’re beginning to become professionals at crowd control! Seriously we love you guys and we love you on mass even more! Thank you to all our Hunting for George diehards that came out…