Sexy, sound proofed room perfection.
Friday Beats
Staple Sisters x Britney Spears x Justin Timberlake – I’ll take you there
So I really wanted to feature The Staple Sisters classic, I’ll take you there… but then I stumbled across this little gem. Let’s just say god bless youtube for I might never have witness a young Britney Spears and Justin…
Touch Sensitive – Pizza Guy
Like sands through the 80s dance hourglass, so is this tune from Touch Sensitive. Happy friday!
High-tails – Bending Over Backwards
Oh-k so I’m a little obsessed with this new song from Sydney outfit, High-tails. Discovered on Triple J Unearthed these boys have been getting a lot of air time. Recently though they have been coping stick about sounding a little…
Mikhael Paskalev – I Spy
Love this catchy little tune from Mikhael Paskalev with a wickedly happy (and revealing) video clip. Enjoy!
Jonwayne – The Come Up – ft. Scoop DeVille
This song has been successfully nodding my head up and down for some time now. I was envisaging Jonwayne to be some kind of new bad ass Biggie Smalls. Safe to say my visual did not match the sound. No disrespect…
Aerosol Can – Major Lazer feat. Pharrell Williams
My Pharrell obsession has blended nicely with this new Major Lazer beat, Aerosol Can. Babum babum. Aerosol Can. Babum babum… Sorry, it’s kinda addictive.
Ballpark Music – She Only Loves Me When I’m There
It’s a bit of a grower this one… but trust me, 2nd time round you’re hooked. Requested by our legendary co-founder Jo Harris, who’s currently playing it at a volume not suitable for a shared studio environment. Oh well. Keep…
Ginuwine – Pony
Yes it’s late on a friday night. Yes I may have had a wine or two. And yes, this song is still radical. Carve it up Ladies and Gents, enjoy the weekend.
Two Fingers, Jake Bugg
The Brits can be a mellow bunch sometimes, but they seem to have a knack for turning the frown upside down by accompanying agony with catchy head nodding beats. Two fingers from Jake Bugg, is a chilled out little ditty…