Name – Kate Pascoe (KP) and Kate Pascoe Squires (KPS) Brand – Kate & Kate Job Title – Directors Location – Sydney and Melbourne 1. What did you want to be when you were a little ‘un? (KP) I wanted…
High-tails – Bending Over Backwards
Oh-k so I’m a little obsessed with this new song from Sydney outfit, High-tails. Discovered on Triple J Unearthed these boys have been getting a lot of air time. Recently though they have been coping stick about sounding a little…
Rebekah Stuart Photography
The Photography of Rebekah Stuart, is simply stunning and truly beautiful! Oh and also happens to feature in our latest Hunting For George Bedding campaign (see below). Rebekah is a Melbourne based artist and photographer, whom is interested in capturing the…
Mikhael Paskalev – I Spy
Love this catchy little tune from Mikhael Paskalev with a wickedly happy (and revealing) video clip. Enjoy!
Hunting for George Debut Bedding Collection
As you may know Hunting for George recently released our own signature bedding collection. The heads behind this were both mine and my sister, otherwise known as Hunting for George co-founders Lucy Glade-Wright and Jo Harris. Our goal was to create…
Concrete Jungle
Concrete. I adore it. When you first mention this material to some people the first thing they think of is a dull and cold slab of building material that has been used to build unattractive city car-parks and industrial estates.…
MIN PIN Pozible Campaign
Our recent Meet the Maker post featured Penny Min Ferguson from Min Pin who has created her own Pozible Campaign. Head to the campaign to read more about how Min Pin was established and what she wants your help with. You’ll have the opportunity…
American Roadtrippin’ Signage
Whats cooler than Road trippin though the States….not a lot. Corey Miller, a screenwriter and producer from Los Angeles has created an amazing project over the past eight years, by photographing the seedy, neglected and of course, over the top eye…
Daily Dishonesty – Lauren Hom
NYC based Graphic Designer Lauren Hom is the creator of the Daily Dishonesty project, which I must say is pretty cool. Lauren started a series of hand lettered posters that document those little lies that she tells herself on a…