Kamizaze – MØ

Danish lass MØ from Lean on – Major Lazer glory. Doing her thing for dance floors everywhere. Happy Friday!

Sorry – Justin Bieber

Trust me. I didn’t see this day coming either. Firstly, let me preface this by saying that I love Royal Palace and that was how I came to discover this 3.25 minute dance fit. And secondly, well shit guys – it’s just a damn…

Pizza In The Wild – Thanks Jonpaul Douglass, now I feel like pizza.

Right now I feel like eating pizza, wonder why. Jonpaul Douglass is a commercial photographer based out of LA, in his downtime he creates for pleasure. Thus, pizza in the wild.

Meet the Maker – Dion Nash from Triumph and Disaster

Name: Dion Nash Brand: Triumph & Disaster Job Title: Founder – general dogs body Location: Auckland , New Zealand Instagram @triumphanddisaster  1/ What did you want to be when you grew up? A New Zealand Cricketer 2/ When and what…

The Best XMAS Playlist Of All Time

It’s Christmas morning and I’m already on my second champers. The foundations have been set, the presents have been opened, the kids are going mental and the Christmas lunch is busily being prepared by someone other than myself. So I have proposed a Christmas challenge: to…

HFG Pop Up Shop – Extended Xmas Trading Hours!

Ah Christmas, what a relaxing and joyful time of year…naht. We can hear your cries for help from here, as the last minute Christmas scramble well and truly sets in. So take a big fat sigh of relief because we have…

Gift Cards Have Landed – Give Them What They Want

Aaah gift cards, the best gift to give when you don’t necessarily have the best gift to give. A gift card represents endless possibilities, and endless possibilities at Hunting for George is where the magic happens. Give your friends, colleagues and…

M.O.B – Tkay Maidza

A total ‘straya bad ass! Lead the way Tkay, we’ll follow you everywhere Forrest Gump style. Happy friday peeps.

Hoops – The Rubens

No idea what this song is about. There are some blood stains, some hoops and someone getting on top… but you know what I’m gonna sing every word as if I wrote ’em. Enjoy getting this wedged in the memory…

Kokomo – The Beach Boys

After working out that none of our under thirties in the office have seen the movie Cocktail, we decided to force feed them early Tom Cruise until their eyes bled. So in honour of the 1988 classic, we give you The…